New OS for Pixel 3 to – 32 points –

I have an ancient Pixel 3 that still works. I'd like to install a new, third-party OS. Which would you recommend?

I can see that there are many: Lineage, Calyx, /e/, Graphene, .... How do I make the decision? Can all of them work on a phone as old as my Pixel 3?

Edit: holy shit, I just installed Lineage OS on my lunch break! I've installed "alternative" OSes before on computers but never on a phone. I just followed the instructions (which were a little confusing as there were nested steps) and it's up and running!


I think the decision is already made for you. Only lineage OS still supports the Pixel 3

The other operating systems you mention are security focused, so a phone without any security updates or driver updates is not something they can operate on in good faith.

Adding to that, there're builds of LineageOS with microG preinstalled, which should be relatively similar to CalyxOS.

LineageOS includes MicroG by default now, I think all releases after Feb 2024 come with MicroG and Signature Spoofing

That's awesome. Is it as simple as adding the microG repo to F-Droid and installing from there?

I'm not sure about the technical details, I saw a post on Mastodon and people's screenshots about the update, I'm assuming MicroG is preinstalled and enabled by default... people were also saying LFMG won't be here for any longer... Because it's obsolete.. But it's still going apparently ( we're in June )

I'm pretty sure microG isn't installed by default because of how it'd conflict with installing MindTheGapps (Google Apps).

It's great to see LMFG continuing for a while because its users would have to wipe their device to switch to LineageOS + microG.

Thank you! I edited the original post. I'm running Lineage OS now!

If you want something like graphene or calyx (I.e. with additional de-googling and security improvements), take a look at DivestOS:

Crdroid (which claims performance improvements, but also has a lot of customization options; reminds me of now deceased resurrection remix) is also good but doesn't seem to officially support your device. There may be some ports on XDA, tho.

Yep, it's that easy. I have it on my pixel 2xl, degoogled and it's still usable {android 14)