Death toll at Hajj pilgrimage rises to 1,300 amid scorching temperatures

Chris Remington@beehaw.orgmod to World – 49 points –
Death toll at Hajj pilgrimage rises to 1,300 amid scorching temperatures

Yeah, this isn't going to get any easier. Right now KSA is mostly blaming "unauthorized" pilgrims, saying that they did not have any air conditioned hotel rooms to escape the heat in, but I think given the very wide range of reported countries affected, they are just minimizing anger.

The Middle East is going to get more and more dangerously hot, and I'm worried this is going to start being more normal during Hajj.

There are, reportedly, many more making the pilgrimage without the permit to be authorized than previously......

And what's the answer why they aren't prepared for people who break their rules? Couldn't be that those permits cost hella money for those people, and the price isn't exactly a "halal" thing... could it?

Taking one right out of the Vatican's earlier edition of the playbook I see.

This really needs to be rescheduled for the winter, and/or pilgrims encouraged to travel by night. But then the AC tents might not sell as well.

It will be. Islamic events are scheduled by a lunar calendar, which has less days in a year than our solar calendars. So things like the fasting in Ramadan and the pilgrimage are about 11 days earlier each year. So in like 12 years the Hajj should be during February.

I'm no expert, but I think the events the pilgrims attend to are strictly tied to the time of day, meaning they can't be rescheduled to be in the night.