My thumb is tired of doomscrolling

graphito@sopuli.xyzmod to – 361 points –

I hear morphine addiction is a good way to fast forward a couple of years. Or avoid it sooner.

if you were able to take pharmaceutical grade morphine, just enough to get high everyday, it probably wouldn't shorten your life very much.

The problem is that you require increasing amounts to get high, making overdoses more likely.

I thought the tolerance overdoses were mainly from stopping for an extended time then starting again without realizing the tolerance is significantly lower after the detox?

that plateaus. The increasing tolerance also increases your resistance to overdose

Since you got time, take a single minute and focus only on your breath, for like 10 breaths.

Makes it easier to doom scroll without identifying yourself with that feeling of doom. Also it makes me feel gratitude. Don't know why, but I'll take it.