Open source Stadia Controller flasher to – 68 points –
GitHub - GaryOderNichts/StadiaController: Stadia Controller tools for reverse engineering and experimenting.

Anything that helps keep unusable electronics out of the dump is awesome. Shame on google for providing the unlock firmware for a only limited time.

Shame on google for providing the unlock firmware for a only limited time.

To this day I don't understand why Google didn't release a reference implementation of the firmware as open source Android-style.

Because that company is completely insane and gotten too big for their britches. Also, I feel a company that big unfortunately can't be touched by right to repair... or does that movement even include stuff like bricked stadia controllers and bios locked laptops destined for the landfill?

I'd imagine that some of the tech the controller users is licensed from other rights holders, so Google can't just open source it.

I’d imagine that some of the tech the controller users is licensed from other rights holders, so Google can’t just open source it.

I wrote "reference implementation", not open source the existing firmware.

Not that I have the knowledge, experience, or tools to really tinker with this; but I do look forward to what others may do with this!