Purism ghosts Librem 5 customer, lies about refund policy - AVOID!

Remontoire@lemmy.world to Android@lemmy.world – 61 points –
Purism ghosts Librem 5 customer, lies about refund policy - AVOID!

So, care to explain the video for those of us who can't watch it right now?

no đź—ż

okay, i'll try:
not from the Video but from my memory of this Drama:

Purism makes Linux phones. its Librem 5 was an absolute success on KickStarter and they raised an absurd amount of money.
they still haven't started large-scale production now, a large amount of time (talking about years and years) later. only the first few batches of phones were delivered
refunds are basically: "you want your money back? haha lol fuck you"

Moreover, the person in question ordered from their website and it failed to ship within over a year, they called for a refund and were told "wait for the shipping date to cancel then we can process that". So they waited, and then were told "we have a no refund policy at this time" (and still no phone)

Yay, summary!

Wait, that's so shady of them to do something like this. I wonder which OEM they used, because that's just insane incompetence.

They didn’t use an OEM in the way I think you mean that

The board design was in-house

There were a lot of issues with the power consumption of the CPU they picked, and they went back and forth on whether they should wait on NXP for a better chip

I’m one of the early backers, and I have gotten it. The battery life is just too bad and the camera app needs a lot more work if you want to take quick pictures

They definitely screwed up pretty bad, and I wouldn’t recommend buying one, but there isn’t anything comparable from a software freedom and privacy standpoint that you can buy

@Remontoire @serenitynot I can attest Purism’s lack of integrity & lack of professionalism.

A #DuckDuckGo audit project was created on the #Purism git repo. They spontaneously & silently deleted the whole project (data & accounts) without warning. They also said nothing after the sabotage. This was the project that was the basis for these findings:


The project existed as an effort to test the merit/wisdom of the #Librem making #DDG the default search engine.

@Remontoire @serenitynot So it’s clear that #Librem intends to push the “privacy theatre” agenda to cash in on deception, rather than doing right by their customers.

Suppressing research into the privacy aspects of their products is clearly cause for distrust IMO.

People love shitting on Purism on Reddit for whatever reason. Maybe they're right? But I bought a Librem 14, use it as my daily driver, and I love it. I even had a problem with it after more than a year of use which Purism promptly fixed for no charge whatsoever. My experience with the company has been nothing but positive.

Glad to hear that. My purism 13 has been nothing but headache since I bought it. I’d love to get rid of it but I can’t think of a single person that would buy it.

Out of curiosity, what sort of issues were/are you having with it?