Russian occupation authorities destroy UNESCO World Heritage site, build outdoor theater in its place to World – 123 points –
Russian occupation authorities destroy UNESCO World Heritage site, build outdoor theater in its place

Another shitty AI written article. Is there any source that makes sense?

This appears to be a reprint of an MSN article which was apparently written by a human. Just not very well.

However, I'm also not finding a really good alternate source. Every other source was an outlet I've never heard of.

I wouldn't be shocked if it were true, but I'd sure like better info.

That would be one of the outlets I've never heard of.

Are you familiar with it? Media Bias Fact Check isn't.

I've seen it a few times related to war stuff. Looks like it's mostly arts coverage though, kind of like Smithsonian magazine or something.

Fair enough. If it's accurate, they are also taking artifacts back to Russia. This is all part of their attempt to claim Ukraine as their ancestral homeland (true-ish?), giving them the right to invade it.

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Thanks for the alert that it is ai written. I'll pass

I mean it’s yahoo; they’ve been getting bots of one form or another to write their shit for a while now, haven’t they?

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