Is there an image viewer like nsxiv, but with native Wayland support? to – 68 points –
Wayland Support?

According to this issue, it looks like there are no plans, understandably, for making a version/fork of nsxiv but with native Wayland support.

Any recommendations for a simple image viewer in Hyprland?


I don't know how it compares to nsxiv, but imv supports Wayland.

Can you open animated gifs in imv? I just get a black screen, but the home page says animated gifs are supported.

Judging purely on the dependencies I see in pacman, nsxiv depends on imlib2, which pulls in a lot of libraries, while imv links to a subset of those libraries directly.

I tried imv and hated it. I just use feh (through XWayland) or mpv now.

mpv as an image viewer? Is that... possible?

Just tried it and, yes. Jpg, Png, and Webp open as a half-second video. Actually kinda neat, I adjusted gamma, saturation, and saved a copy with 3 button presses. Well, 4 if you count pause..

Try swayimg

I like how it supports animated webp and gif files right out of the box. Would be perfect if you could open images from the file manager and navigate, but it doesn't look like that's in the works.

I think the --all option is this mode.

Unfortunately, --all isn't an option. The following options are available in swayimg:

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
  -r, --recursive      read directories recursively
  -o, --order=ORDER    set sort order for image list: none/[alpha]/random
  -s, --scale=SCALE    set initial image scale: [optimal]/fit/width/height/fill/real
  -l, --slideshow      activate slideshow mode on startup
  -f, --fullscreen     show image in full screen mode
  -p, --position=POS   set window position [parent]/X,Y
  -g, --size=SIZE      set window size: [parent]/image/W,H
  -a, --class=NAME     set window class/app_id
  -c, --config=S.K=V   set configuration parameter: section.key=value
  -v, --version        print version info and exit
  -h, --help           print this help and exit

Hmm, i think I mixed it up with the config. There is an all option in swayimgrc.

I have a custom nuke opener file for nnn that do that's that. Every time I open an image, it uses swayimg -r (recursively).
I gues you can do some like that with xdg-open

I navigated to my screenshot folder in terminal and opened an image using swayimg -r but it wouldn't let me navigate with n or p. I also tried going to my Pictures folder and used swayimg Screenshots/* like this thread suggested, but still no luck.

Ahh ok ok, I misunderstood it, I can move forward with space, but not backwards....sorry!!

Thanks for confirming that you're seeing the same thing. Must be a bug.

The gnome image viewer is Wayland native

Sounds interesting, but the requirements say it needs gnome-desktop. I'm using Hyprland on NixOS, so it doesn't sound like this will work for my setup unfortunately. Thank you for the suggestion. Hopefully this helps others.

Currently, gnome has moved away from eye of Gnome to Image Viewer/Loupe. The website doesn't have the dependencies though I don't think you should need the gnome-desktop package. Perhaps you can look into it. Just be aware that the app is pretty barebones for now.

Edit - Alternatively, you could look into gwenview which is normally shipped in kde. That will have the advantage of shipping with a lot more editing options and since it is a more mature(I think is the right word) project, I expect it to have better support for esoteric file formats.

Gwenview looks a little too full featured, but the Gnome Image Viewer (Loupe) works well. No dependencies needed in Nix, and the arrow keys let you flip between different images that are in the same folder. All of the on-screen functionality works (copy, move to trash, zoom in/out, toggle full-screen, etc.), and keyboard shortcuts and gestures work great. The only bug I have to work out is that it doesn't respect the gtk theme I have configured (GTK 2, 3, and 4). Otherwise, seems like a good option.

The only bug I have to work out is that it doesn't respect the gtk theme I have configured (GTK 2, 3, and 4). Otherwise, seems like a good option.

Maybe this is because loupe uses libadwaita and not standard gtk4. Libadwaita does not follow the gtk theme.

Glad I could help though

Ahh that's good to know. I had no idea about libadwaita. Thank you!

Another okay option I just stumbled on is Viewnior. The only thing it lacks is webp file support.