But I don't really understand your question. You can also put your questions into google.com search, ask here or some friends...
Just a warning about StackExchange/Overflow/etc... please be aware that any information submitted to that website will go into LLM training - if you have threads there from the past you have a limited window to remove them.
You literally asked a question and got answers... Seems like you found one?
Quora, Stack Exchange, ...
Heres a list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison\_of\_Q%26A\_sites
But I don't really understand your question. You can also put your questions into google.com search, ask here or some friends...
Just a warning about StackExchange/Overflow/etc... please be aware that any information submitted to that website will go into LLM training - if you have threads there from the past you have a limited window to remove them.
You literally asked a question and got answers... Seems like you found one?
@Hickak@lemmy.world lemmy.world seems to work for that :-)