Whats a good thing to check out while tripping on DXM?

cheese_greater@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 10 points –

Do something that takes physical skill. Play a game of pool, make a house of playing cards, learn to juggle.

You’ll be quite amused with the results, I promise you.

If you get the urge to try something physically difficult, try it.

A private playground where one can make noise.

Pinback (band)

Milkdrop visualizer


A COLD beer when coming down (PBR always felt the best to me)

Back in my day, I robo-tripped and watched monday night raw. I don’t recommend that. These days, I’d probably put music on and dance around naked.

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The movie Enter the Void. Seems to last forever.

As for interesting philosophical reading material, I quite enjoyed: the Nag Hammadi library; The Kybalion; and anything about morphogenetic resonance.

If those topics aren't interesting to you, any music is good, and any normal movie is recommended, since you'll see it from quite a different viewpoint.

Heads up to those new to DXM: do a small test dose (~90mg) before jumping into a larger one, since you might have an enzyme issue that makes the experience overly intense and possibly dangerous. Take only DXM-containing products. Consult the plateaus chart online to see where you're at. Always research things beforehand~