The CDC’s Test for Bird Flu Works, but It Has Issues to – 25 points –
The CDC’s Test for Bird Flu Works, but It Has Issues

“The tests are 100% usable,” he later told KFF Health News, adding that the FDA studied the tests and came to the same conclusion. The imperfect tests, which have a faulty element that sometimes requires testing a sample again, will be replaced soon. He added, “We have made sure that we’re offering a high-quality product.”

The article take six useless paragraphs to say

You can skim if you want to, but context is important. Nobody needs Ticktock for news.

Editorial discretion is also important. Burying the information everyone wants to see just so people have to scroll past a bunch of ads is scummy.

Insulting me just because you misunderstood my original point is petty and childish. Oh, and TikTok for News is just TikTok.