One of my favourite games in my childhood to – 105 points –

What game?

Commandos 2

Oh thanks, I was like I don't remember this part of Arcanum

We had the demo growing up, game always kicked my ass I have the look of the skeletized dead soldier portrait burned into my head lol

I never understood the game as a child, but i played the hell out of it. Mainly the beginning of the first mission.

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You might want to check out Shadow Tactics, Desperados 3 and/or Shadow Gambit by Mimimi. Absolutely excellent adaptaions of the stealth tactic gameplay of commandos. Work great with controllers too.

Mashing the upvote for Shadow Tactics and Shadow Tactics:Aiko's Choice. And agreed, their controller scheme is so spot on. Aiko's Choice adds some deeply bittersweet context to the first game.