Israel’s military starts drafting ultra-Orthodox Jews – but the battle over serving ‘the army of God’ vs. the army of the state isn’t over, and points to key questions for the country’s future. to World – 127 points –
Israel’s military starts drafting ultra-Orthodox Jews – but the battle over serving ‘the army of God’ vs. the army of the state isn’t over, and points to key questions for the country’s future

Move onto land that isn’t yours

Cause the people to fight back

Hide as others battle in a war for you

Get mad when policy changes and you have to fight

Tbf most of them have lived there for many generations, it's not as if they consciously chose to move there just to spite the previous residents. But I do agree they shouldn't be treated specially for their religious beliefs, and that no one should be forcefully crafted even.


The vast majority of the settlements have been built either entirely or partially on private Palestinian land.

More than 700,000 settlers – 10 percent of Israel’s nearly 7 million population – now live in 150 settlements and 128 outposts dotting the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

A settlement is authorised by the Israeli government while an outpost is built without government authorisation. Outposts can range from a small shanty of a few people to a community of up to 400 people.

Some of the settlers move to the occupied territories for religious reasons while others are drawn by a relatively lower cost of living and financial incentives offered by the government. Ultraorthodox Jews form one-third of all settlers.

Ok, so a third of settlers are Ultra orthodox. That means the majority, two thirds, aren't, and the statistics for what percentage of ultra orthodox Jews are settlers are still not present in this conversation. Just to make it clear, there are many legitimate reasons to hate Ultra orthodox Judaism. Just trying to make sure it's for the right reasons and not a scarecrow.

Just to be clear, I never said I hated anyone.

Fucked up that you want to make sure I hate them for the right reasons? Idiot

I didn't say I hated anyone either. I hate the ideology of Ultra orthodox Judaism, not any individual person. Mostly for the harm it causes to people and animals, but also because it isn't true.

They are absolutely pushing Palestinians out to settle their land. The government actually has programs incentivizing living in a settlement, making it cheaper and better served than living in the normal borders of Israel. Unless you're Palestinian of course. Then your home gets surrounded by barbed wire and you have to go through armed checkpoints to go anywhere, work, groceries, school, literally anywhere.

Some are moving onto Palestinian land. But as I said, most of them stay in ultra orthodox communities they've lived in for generations, where they do admittedly have their own issues. But ones that don't include settling on Palestinian land.

It's not just the ultra Orthodox. This isn't a religious issue. It's a racism issue. And it's several hundred thousand settlers, not some tiny faction.

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Netanyahu's going to need a much bigger military for whoever he goes to war with next. Because they'll have an actual trained military force to go up against.

He has the worlds largest military behind him backing him up from anything.

For now. Harris seems much less inclined to help out Israel based on things she's said so far. I hope so anyway.

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