US veteran arrested for role in failed Venezuelan coup. to – 71 points –
US veteran arrested for role in failed Venezuelan coup

Lmao I remember this half assed coup attempt. It was almost as pathetic as the one in the DRC. Weird timing on the charges considering what’s going on there right now.

For the uninitiated: the TL;DR version is that a bunch of these “we’re gonna go rescue Eagle Pass from the immigrants” idiots all got in a boat and tried to go down and coup Maduro, who has a whole military and security services instead of thinking that his high score on Warthunder would equip him with success or whatever was in the coup people’s minds. They made it like 10 feet off the beach and were instantly arrested by actual defensive forces (police I think) and eventually ejected from the country.

No governmental body was involved in any capacity; the US government also likes to do coups against Venezuela, including the OG one against Chávez which actually went about equally well as this one and resolved in hilarious fashion. But this wasn’t one of those.

I retract my statement. It was more pathetic than the recent DRC one.

Yeah. I sort of suspect that a big factor in how much the State Dept didn’t like it, was a certain feeling of “you guys are making us look bad on the world stage with your incompetence” and not just that it was inflammatory. It was a real shit show, real embarrassing. The one we tried on Chávez didn’t work, but that was because he outfoxed us, not because it was operated by a bunch of people who would have trouble organizing a gangbang in a bonobo whorehouse.

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