"Goldmine" - an idle game in 200 lines of pure JavaScript

monica_b1998@programming.dev to Programming@programming.dev – 43 points –

There's a weird bug where you can get four workers per shaft. The 'hire worker' button at the end of the shaft disappears after you hire your third worker, but if you click where the button was, you will get a fourth worker for free.

I found the problem - there should be no "=" in this part of line 222: shaft.workers.length <= shaft.max_workers

i'll update it on the website tomorrow. thanks for catching that! Somehow I hadn't tested clicking an invisible button...

::: spoiler cheat codes for console

Infinite wealth

score = 100_000_000_000;

Open all shafts

shaftsOpen = 10;

Add 1 worker to all shafts

Array(shaftsOpen).fill(0).map((_, i) => (shafts[i].workers.push(new Worker())));


::: spoiler More cheat codes for console

Instant travel speed for the lift

lift.y = 0; lift.speed = 30;

Allow up to 100 workers on the first floor

shafts[0].max_workers = 100;

Allow up to 10 workers per shaft

for (let i = 1; i &lt; max_shafts; i++) shafts[i].max_workers = 10;

Despawn all workers

shafts.forEach((shaft) => { shaft.workers = []; });

Accelerate the game x10 (this might be more power hungry)

Array.from(Array(10)).forEach(() => animate());

Get paid $10 for hiring a worker (you pay $5 and receive $10)

shafts.forEach((shaft) => shaft.workers.push = function () { score += 10; return Array.prototype.push.apply(this, arguments); });

Cool game OP :) :::

There's a bug! You can click buttons once after they disappear.