Final Fantasy fanart I did not too long ago. If you like my work and wanna see more (or even support me 😮 ) you can check my links here: to – 4 points –

Great art! I love G'raha. Though, isn't this the wrong magazine to be posting him to?

Hello, thank you! Oh yeah, I'm sorry xD I'm new to Fediverse and I'm still figuring out how to use it. I'll repost at the right place then

@Osvaldoilustrador Don't worry, we got you fam!

Gave you a boost from my Mastodon account.

Welcome to the Fediverse! 🥳

Oh thank youu! That's super kind of you!

@Osvaldoilustrador I also recommend browsing mastodon dot art for a different way to build community among artists. See ya! :blobwave:

@yuki2501 thank you, yeah I made a mastodon art account too, I'm kinda bouncing between them, little by little I think I'll get there. Thank you for the tips, buddy! =D