Most Americans Approve Of IVF, But Divided Over Embryo Destruction. to – 52 points –
Most Americans Approve Of IVF, But Divided Over Embryo Destruction

Any Americans here give a shit about embryos?

Sort of?

There should be extensive protections in place. But mostly so the people who’re relying on them don’t get blind sided by something.

Also, embryos aren’t people. So the owners get to destroy them.

Also, also, there should be safe guards for embryos donated to research, so that they aren’t allowed to become viable (I’m thinking of that Chinese guy who gmo’d some kids in incredibly risky “research”.)

I give a shit about the embryo (or embryos) that the person carrying wants to develop into a child, yes.

The rest, no.

And yet the right wishes to block this for everyone. Including my close friend who told me yesterday that they’re getting this treatment. So much for loving children and families. Fuck these people.