Android's new Theft Detection Lock is here to protect your phone from snatch and grabs to – 44 points –

the factory reset protection shit isn't new, it has existed for a long time and is called google frp, where frp literally means factory reset protection

Except that isn't what this is.

"The feature automatically locks your phone when it detects your phone has been snatched from your hand. It uses data from your phone's accelerometer and gyroscope"

i wasn't talking about that shitty 3 months late article which doesn't even talk about all the things, i was talking about the google blog where they said

We’re making it more difficult to do that with an upgrade to Android’s factory reset protection. With this upgrade, if a thief forces a reset of the stolen device, they’re not able to set it up again without knowing your device or Google account credentials.

this is old

That one feature in the blog the article doesn't talk about at all is called FRP and they aren't saying it's new they're saying they're upgrading it.

We’re making it more difficult to do that with an upgrade to Android’s factory reset protection.

And the reason for that is that FRP is easily bypassed if your phone isnt locked. Among other bypasses.

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