Is 4gb vram enough to run read dead redemtion 2? to – -34 points –

I'm planning to buy pc with rx 470 4gb and i5 3470, will I be able to rdr2 at least at low settings in 1080p 30 fps?


You could have asked this in one of your multiple Red Dead threads. I think at least a few of us would prefer one thread per game series. There is no need to have 3 Mafia threads and 3 Red Dead threads all within 24 hours of each other

As for your question I don't actually know. I know system requirements don't always mean shit, but it is a place to start, and get an idea of what the game will need

Edit: as with most of your questions, it is a quick search away to find an answer. If you actually engaged in any of the conversations I would be more inclined to post it for you. You seem more interested in asking questions than actually receiving any answers

But public forums = crowdsourced search engines

Don't you know?

Look up the min requirements. Look at what it tells you.

Mods please ban this clown.

I agree that OP could make more structured and elaborate threads, but I wouldn't call him a clown or spammer for that much.
Might I remind you that you can just ignore him if you don't want to see his threads? Like that those who wish to engage on those threads still can and you won't be bothered anymore.

If OP break a community rule or a site wide rule, we will ban him, after warning him, but not otherwise.

But perhaps a good community rule would be to make threads that are conducive to discussion rather than single answers that can be found with a quick web search.

I do agree. I'll raise the question with the others mods and we'll decide on a new rule if necessary.

I don't know how to properly word this, and I hope you don't take it in a negative way. Is this not something you would want the entire communities opinion on? Just you and the mods going to decide what we want?

I think this would be a first. So there is no real methodology in place right now.
But I'd really like to get the community involved for the decision making, that's something we'll discuss internally, but in my opinion I'd like for it to work as following :

  1. The community, LW admin, or the mods express the need for new rules <- We are here
  2. Internal discussion between mods, and, if needed, LW admins, to make sure the new or updated rule is conform to LW rules and what we wish to do with the community.
  3. Once the draft of the new rule is done, we'd publish it as draft to get feedback.
  4. Once most people agree on the new or updated rule, we will start enforce it, first with a bit of leniency, then more strictly.

What do you think about that ?

That works for me. I really appreciate the transparency

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I think a warning and a rule against spam would suffice for now

Get lost if you don't like my posts

Well that was uncalled for

I don't like it when people are cynical towards me so it was completely called

That is something you will have to learn to deal with. I handled this in the best way I knew possible

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Yes, 4GB VRAM is enough to run it at 1080p.

Please just check the system requirements next time, unless you're facing special circumstances or have reason to believe the official specs are inaccurate. You can find them on the publisher's web site or the Steam Store page.