Marjorie Taylor Greene accused a DNC speaker of "pedophilia." It didn't go well for her. to politics – 157 points –

I assume MTG masturbates to kids books about diverse families, because she keeps calling that stuff “porn.”

Projection is a common trait amongst bullies. Just sayin..

She must have meant her good friend convicted felon Donald Trump.

Or maybe she meant her other good friend— sex predator and sex trafficking teenager date raper, Matt Gaetz.

Probably tough to keep everyone straight with all that bottled bleach leaching into her already stunted fetal alcohol syndrome pea-brain.

Honestly though how does MTG even have any political standing or platform, if literally anyone else did what she's done their career would've ended a long time ago

She has political standing because the right wing media finds her constant insane shrieking useful, so they continue to platform her. It draws attention away from things they don’t want you talking about, like income inequality, looming fascism, environmental distraction… basically everything they are working so hard to achieve.

Any mental effort they can get people to waste responding to her is effort not being put towards making the world a better place for someone other than billionaires.

Americans injecting pedophilia everywhere is driving me nuts. The worst part? Everyone is doing it. Think of some new slurs for fucks sake.

There's a lot of insane lynch mobs you can tap into that way. You even see it all around Lemmy.

Oh, Margie, NO! You tried to peddle your lunatic conspiracy theories but you didn't even know how to pronounce the word "cabal" and said "cable." Your ignorant dumb ass got called out when you tried to invent new things to be scared of. Margie, I think you're about as smart as a stupid dog that got run over chasing cars.