propaganda rule to – 194 points –

Minor debunk: the GDR wasn’t communist, they used an economy system called "Realsozialismus" or "Real Socialism". Also sex wasn’t better because of the economy system, it was because of emancipation, which was in many parts better than today in eastern Germany.

Still a rare GDR W.

Wait, what do you mean by emancipation specifically? In what metric has Eastern Germany gone backwards since then?

Women in the GDR were by law equal to men. They had full autonomy (at least as full as it gets in a dictatorship), meanwhile in West Germany, husbands still could decide over their wives jobs until the 68 movement. The employment rate of women in the GDR was 90% in 1990, nowadays it’s 75%. The GDR allowed abortion within 12 weeks of pregnancy, this was abolished at reunification but Germany legalized abortion with the same timeframe in 1995. Kindergarten was free in Eastern Germany, the only payments were for meals. This was also abolished at reunification but still hasn’t been reintroduced.

One example is women didn't need to stay home the whole day for child care, since there was Kindergarten for everyone from age 3 to primary school and even nurseries for children between 6 months to age 3 if you wanted to. Nowadays in eastern Germany the care infrastructure is still there mostly, but not on sufficient numbers and it is not guaranteed anymore, so parents need to have enough money.

To be fair, that was not (only) out of good will, but also out of economical necessity, since the female workforce was as much needed as the male one to keep the whole thing going.

Marie Antoinette in her trials was accused of Thr German Vice (lesbianism) among her litany of debaucherous accusations (historically, she was fairly innocent and not terrible as royalty goes).

In the 19th century, the naturist / nudist movements started in Germany. In the 1920s, the German sex institute that studied and sought to normalize transgenderism (and the rest of LGBT+) was the first target of the NSDAP hate campaign.

I'm pretty sure Germany has been the bleeding edge of sexuality since the middle ages, if not before.

How are you gonna post this and not post the source? I need to add it to my Zotero collection.