Kamala Harris helped shut down Backpage.com. Sex workers are still feeling the fallout.

gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – -21 points –

And, ultimately, did nothing as there are now a bunch of clone sites operating under functionally identical names.

The thing that gets me is that if prosecutors like Harris know that sites like this is used for human trafficking; where is the bragging that they helped take those people down? Just like the article states, all they did was take down the site and let the actual offenders roam free. Everyone knows how flexible and versatile the internet is. Take down one site and several take it's place. When you brag about taking down a site and not doing anything about the reason why the offenses on the site exist, then you're just working to score political points.

EDIT: In case it wasn't clear in my comment I want to stress that I am commenting on why prosecutors like Harris brag about taking down these platforms without ever bragging about taking down the human traffickers using said platform. I am not criticizing her for not going after the owners. I know she went after the owners. The article talks about it. But it also talks about not doing much to actually helping the people who need help.

The California Department of Justice employs 5,000 people. Do you think they have only done this one thing? Do you think they have press conferences for every individual person they prosecute? Do you understand why a whole mainstream platform facilitating criminal behavior is worth more attention than an average criminal?

Except my comment wasn't regarded the California DoJ. It was regarding Kamala Harris. She spearheaded the initiative to take down the site. She talked about it and used it as a talking point on how tough she is on human trafficking. Except, what actions did she actually take on human trafficker's? Why go for the platform that is easily replaceable and not the actual people perpetrating it? All she ended up doing was creating an environment that is less safe for sex workers and victims of human trafficking.

She was the Attorney General of California when the backpage founder was arrested.

let the actual offenders roam free

One of them got 5 years for fraud so not everyone got off with a warning.

Last month, after a meandering legal saga in that follow-on case, the website’s 76-year-old co-founder was sentenced to five years in prison on a federal money-laundering charge. He reported on Wednesday to begin serving his sentence, while his lawyers appeal.

That was the co-founder. Not the actual perpetrators.