God of War Ragnarok Mod Removes PSN Requirement and Creator Vows to Maintain It

Rider@eviltoast.org to Gaming@beehaw.org – 75 points –
God of War Ragnarok Mod Removes PSN Requirement and Creator Vows to Maintain It

Until he's sued and has to choose between losing their house and livelihood or maintaining it

Especially when shitty news outlets very openly advertise something that is flaunting Sony's TOS

God I hate when something good comes around that flaunts a rule and people make it a huge fucking deal and then are all shocked pikachu when the company is mad about it. If there's something like this keep it fucking quiet you rubes. Share the github quietly, or just upvote it on NexusMods. Don't go plastering it everywhere.

Yuzu got shut down because it got plastered everywhere, they essentially normalized privacy. Of course Nintendo was going to take them down. If you basically plaster it on their front door you're begging them to take action.

Why do we give companies the power to do things we don't agree with?

It ain't about his ability to do it, it is about the message from the PC gamer

This isn't illegal. At worst it's against ToS.

Yeah of course - just have fun paying your own lawyer 6 figures to prove that in court while their team of lawyers try to convince a judge that it is illegal.

This isn't the first time a similar mod is made for a game, and no one has ever been sued. I can think of SimCity 2013 and Hitman WoA having such hacks, as well as private WoW servers.

Okay well I'm not going to sit here and argue semantics. People have been sued by corporations before just for mods, that has happened a lot. All I was doing was simply pointing out that what they are doing is noble, but that we should never trust a corporation to not take the hammer out and try to destroy it, and keeping it quiet helps keep it out of their sphere for a while longer.

It's already gone. I fucking knew this would happen.

Shit journalism that can't shut the fuck up strikes again