Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 review: The future is unfolding to – 46 points –
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 review: The future is unfolding

I like the concept of these phones, but I think it's still a few years off being viable. Half the price and improve the battery, then I'll be interested.

Since gen 1 I've been saying "gen 5 is where I'll start to think about eventually buying one of these", and I feel exactly like this right now

Half the price will come in about 8 months, Samsung does pretty deep discounting when the calendar year rolls over.

Battery life though, is the another issue. Fold 5 on GSMArena's review has slightly worse battery life than the Fold 4.

A phone that's so good? That slows down under load and has a mediocre battery? Without accessories, for 1800$? Is this a joke?

The best aspect of this trend is that we finally can buy devices without glass screens again. Plastic screens are so much more durable, especially if you are clumsy like I am. The prie is still to high though.

Plastic screens are so much more durable

Except when they foldable

Except in every scenario. Plastic back then was just as soft as it is now. The statement they made was just dumb.