How do you pick a host to open an instance on? to No Stupid – 21 points –

I've been toying with the idea of creating a dog training community, but I don't know where to put it! How do you pick? The one thing I can't do is host it myself 😞

Bonus question - what's the official terminology? Ex. is a ______. is a ______.

I would prefer to put it on a more relevant place, but animals.zoo doesn't exist yet 😜

6 is an instance.

The other is a community.

A community exists within an instance, and the instances federates it with other instances (ie

Some instances restrict community creation, others allow anyone to create one.

Pick your favourite instance which also allows you to create a community. Alternatively pick an instance and request it via their routes - I think requires a request posted to

For what it's worth, I'm not a dog owner but I can see the value in that topic...

If you decide to go ahead, go on you and may it go well!

Thank you! ❤️ I don't have the means to host my own instance, but once I do a bit more research and understand Lemmy better, I will definitely be making some pet related communities ❤️

domain name, the nomenclature for is multipurpose (email/intra-instance mag addresssing)

an instance is software running on a server, being addressed at a location like

i use amazon because its familiar, and has very mature tooling/services. it is a bit pricier... ~30%.

register a domain '' and then you can run any host you want,, etc.

Solid answer to a different question 😉