My first rice I am actually satisfied by to – 205 points –

Looks nice! How did you get/make the top panel, and what are you using for the dock?

Both top and bottom use latte dock, when there is a maximized window the bottom bar disappears when the cursor isn't nearby and the top bar loses the rounded corners so that the desktop wallpaper can't be seen through

Ooh, does Latte Dock work under Wayland now?

Latte Layout: (Paste it into a file with the .layout.latte extension)

Wallpaper: (It's a photo from unsplash and I applied some filters on it: Original)

Kde/Gnome/GTK/Kvantum Theme: Graphite Nord Dark

Widgets: Media Player +, Simple Weather

how do you get simple weather to just show the temperature?

What do you mean? Mine comes like it did in the screenshot by default

huh, must be my icon pack or something then. Mine shows a icon of the weather (clouds, rain, etc) instead of the temperature