Imran Khan’s Ouster Is a Story of US Power and Propaganda

Collision to World – 18 points –
Imran Khan’s Ouster Is a Story of US Power and Propaganda

A good summary of the situation. Major upheaval in Pakistan, not covered by US media.

The literal Voice of America is reporting on the cables. Not to mention the fact that an American outlet, the Intercept, is the one that published the leak in the first place…

It's a long article, but can be really summed up into this citation:

... Knowing all this, it’s more absurd to believe the United States doesn’t have the ability or inclination to influence political events in Pakistan than to believe it does.

while not much commenting on the likes of China and Russia

He, and by extension anyone making arguments criticizing America, doesn't need to comment because the rest of western society is constantly commenting on China or Russia. They're almost never out of our news cycles, at least in the past few decades.

Even barring the fact that most of what we hear about from the east is heavily filtered through propaganda efforts, saying "now also criticize these groups!" is just whataboutism intended to change the topic, and is more akin to saying All Lives Matter.

You're right, he doesn't need to comment on Russia or China.

It's more troubling what he says about US and Ukraine, saying that the war still going on is their fault, Ukraine shouldn't receive military support, implying it should surrender.