Vertical images rotated when uploaded to beehaw via jerboa. What am I doing wrong? to Beehaw – 3 points –

I've tried editing the upload to , but it's still rotated. Is there a faq or guide already posted about this that I missed?


Same happened to me, thinking it has to do with EXIF data on the images but definitely not sure. What I did was get a photo editor and resave the image (with correct orientation) which then uploaded normally

Not a direct answer to your question, but if you can upload the images elsewhere and link to here, that would be best. Storage is the biggest server expense and image hosting drives that up a lot long term.

Jerboa is still in its infancy. Id suggest you could share this issue in the jerboa community at, since beehaw is not related with the app's development. Your chances of finding a solution will increase if you go there

You mean a portrait image becomes landscape? Are these images you make or find on the web?

Yes, portrait to landscape, 90* counter clockwise. Photos I took.

Is there any chance you are stripping the exif info before uploading? Perhaps create an issue on the jerboa GitHub.

I don't think so. Not intentionally, anyway. Would that be a default setting? Or more like something I should be doing before posting?

My process was: jerboa>new post>title>select photo>text>post.

There are camera apps that do it automatically.

But it doesn't sound like you are causing this to happen.