Gaming with google stadia controller on Linux to Linux – 20 points –

Hello Guys I resently bought a google stadia controller used for 15€ with the bluetooth firmware enabled

The only problem I have with it is support on the distros I dailydrive Arch I followed the arch wiki but there was a lot missing about this controller. The only distro I found to work out of the box was nobara

I search a bit in the preinstalled packages and the only few outlier i found were Networkmanager from the fedora-update repo and nobara-controller-config from the nobara-baseos repo

Does anyone have a idear how I could get the contoller to work on my Arch installed? It is possiable to archive this on arch because I saw other people get it to work on the steam deck what runs a arch based os

I would appreciate any help


Maybe look into there's also some useful links in there. But afaik Bluetooth controllers have pretty bad latency on Linux

I just connected it to my steam deck and it worked out of the box so idk man, maybe try and use steam.

Try updating to the latest kernel, that worked for me getting my 8bitdo ultimate working

Maybe you can cjeck garuda gnu linux

I will i also will check holo ISO and See if there is something diffrent

Garuda linux has a gamong edition that has a lot of gaming related packages are preinstalled