Path of Exile 2 - Gamescom Druid Gameplay Walkthrough to – 64 points –
Path of Exile 2 - Gamescom Druid Gameplay Walkthrough

These highlight videos are so frustrating, they hype the synergy combos then seem to struggle or avoid executing them consistently. The Blind Beast went virtually unscathed for the first 25 seconds and I only saw 1 wolf, 2 clear debuffs (the icon could have been covered up by the body or blended in with the red flesh), and 4 stuns in that whole fight. But even so out of ~11 attempts at the combo 3 of them did over 60% of the damage.

I just hope they release an actual playable demo, even if it's just a real short one. Just like a tidal island or twilight stand size area.

Was there any word on when PoE2 will be available for us normal every day folk?