DeSantis said at debate a woman survived ‘multiple abortion attempts.’ Here’s the real story

Flying to politics – 180 points –

Penny is real and her last name is Hopper. But DeSantis failed to note key details from her remarkable story: The person who tried to end Penny’s life in the womb was not a doctor or even an illegal abortion provider — it was her father. And his effort to abort his daughter with a coat hanger took place almost two decades before the Supreme Court’s seismic Roe v. Wade decision, which established a woman’s right to an abortion. While DeSantis’ version of Penny’s story honors life and a woman who survived a traumatic beginning, it also reflects the perils of a world where abortion is all but outlawed and women can be forced into dangerous, desperate alternatives.


Republicans? Making up outlandish lies as an excuse to force themselves into your doctor's office and making your own private health care decisions for you? No, I don't believe it, not the party of small government /s

But seriously, extra ironic Republicans would pick a story illustrating so well how wrong it is what they're trying to do, then twist it to make it into some kind of false anti abortion story. Unfortunately their base will probably just gobble this up as fact and never learn the truth of the case.

Unfortunately their base will probably just gobble this up as fact and never learn the truth of the case.

can confirm, have republican parents. they say they do their research but they don’t know that scrolling the front page of truth social isn’t considered research

My father keeps telling me "all the news stations, even the liberal ones are saying X." Then, when I ask what stations, he'll say something like "channels 6, 10, and 13." The problem is that I live in a different area than he does. His "6, 10, 13" are different than my "6, 10, 13." He doesn't seem to get that.

And this doesn't even get into the fact that the "liberal stations" he's talking about might actually be owned by Sinclair. Or the fact that my father often thinks people agree with him even after they say that they don't agree. (So he might watch a news report that says "X isn't actually happening" and come away thinking "this station agrees that X is happening.")

I'm sorry. It must be tough at times being at odds with your own parents on such topics

the internet is my haven until i can express my opinions without instantaneous backlash

in other words, i’m doing fine-ish