chrome rule to – 164 points –

Kind reminder to use FireFox for a more open and fair web. Google’s blink rendering engine has the majority of the browser market. Not-so-fun fact: Brendan Eich started the Brave browser after being kicked from Mozilla because he donated $1000 to California Proposition 8 which called for the banning of same sex marriage.

Its just a huge shame too because Brendan Eich is such a smart guy (creating JavaScript, co-founding Mozilla and Firefox, etc), so sad to see how distorted and awful his views on basic human rights and the world are.

Brendan Eich is such a smart guy (creating JavaScript)

"Thomas Midgley is such a smart guy (creating CFCs)"

Javascript is a cancer on most of the web. I should not be able to run entire operating systems inside of my browser.

I wouldn't even be surprised if this was deliberate, with how little they care to hide all the bs they pull nowadays