Arcade game in browser to – 84 points –

Back in the 90s, it was a game as Java applet. But then somebody removed all those nice plugins. I ported it a while back to C#, made it into desktop (Gtk, WinForms etc), but now finally, it returns - with WebAssembly - back into the browser, where this originally "remastered from DOS" game began 😀


Omg I played so much Digger as a kid. When we got a new computer I had to turn off Turbo to play it.

this is so cool! where can we look into the source code and play it?

My mum still plays this daily. Had done for years. So can't get beyond level 6 though 🤣

They actually remastered this game for the Playstation 3! I couldn't believe it! I STILL can't believe it!

I've not played this before. It looks a bit like Mr. Do!