Looking for subscription-services dashboard

monerobull@monero.town to Free and Open Source Software@beehaw.org – 16 points –

I have a couple of servers, domains, etc. that I need to keep track of and would like to have them all displayed in a nice dashboard/overview since I don't really want to put them in my regular calendar. Any suggestions?

Edit: Someone replied in a different community that they use Subz and I'll give that a try :)


Thanks for updating with that you found. Subz is exactly what I was looking for.


Subz looks pretty good for this, but it's android only. Not even an option to host as a website with a frontend; just an app on your phone.

What about NetData?


That looks more like it's mainly focused on server-monitoring, was looking for something way lighter and Subz seems to be perfect :)

Currently I'm using Dashy, which has great features, but I fail to make it accessible through my Reverse Proxy, as I would like to have my Dashboard “on the go”.