its not about the platform to Lemmy.World – 0 points –

I actually really miss, reading my subscribed subreddits. And it is definitely not about the platform. I think Lemmy is absolutely capable of doing exactly what reddid was doing for me. The problem is, that my communities are just not here. Web3 is about the people that make it.

I am all in for FOSS and federalization. Lemmy is perfect for that, but it feels empty to me. I will keep lurking and see, if some communities move away from reddit.

EDIT: I wasn't aware that i shouldn't have posted here. Take it as my debut post, which is also my first fuck up ;D


Yeah, it's a bit crap when the communities you're used to aren't here yet.

My solution was just to create them myself - I've never modded before and tbh, I don't even really want to especially, but as there was no MST3K community yet, I made one, and the same for Arrested Development.

I've publicised them on New Communities, crosslinked them and added a note in each about the mods from the equivalent subreddit, as, if they want to be involved again I'm happy to add them as mods.

Early days, but MST3K has over a hundred subs already, which is not bad when I created a couple of days ago.


Yeah, the limited content can and will be a dealbreaker for some. I personally had more fun here already than I ever did in reddit. (Over a year since I even logged into reddit)

But I understand that im in the minority. I never enjoyed large subreddits much, and the stuff im interested in just happen to exist here too. For me, its a fresh experience with the majority of stuff I didnt like from reddit gone.

For others, its a hollow version of reddit with not enough content to make it worth it. Thats how it is tho when you switch from any big app, the small ones got to start somewhere.

Which is why I am finally commenting again, because interaction is the only way to build up to something greater.

Change is uncomfortable. There's just no way around it. And there's nothing wrong with you feeling that it's kind of empty here and not what you're used to.

For me, it will be uncomfortable regardless. My preferred interface (RIF) is gone in 2 weeks so nothing at Reddit will feel comfortable either.

So I've chosen to embrace the discomfort of Lemmy's newness and comparative "emptiness" over the discomfort of using Reddit's inferior app, for a couple of reasons: First, Reddit turned on us, not the other way around, and second, because this place is relatively new it's not littered with bots and spammers and trolls. The energy here is just better for me.

Even if all my favorite places and posters aren't here yet, I'll be here waiting for them when they arrive, and I'm the meantime, I'll be doing my part to recreate what I used to love there, here.

My go-to app is RedReader and that one will survive the API changes apparently. But for how long? We will see where this goes. Nothing is as constant as change.

Even if all my favorite places and posters aren’t here yet, I’ll be here waiting for them when they arrive,


A fellow RedReader user!
I'd be very happy if we could use Lemmy through RedReader. But then, I am afraid that such expansion of functionality can make it a disservice. Like it happened with Nero CD burner.