Wheeler Dealers star Mike Brewer on death threats and how social media ruined his life

Mike D.@lemm.ee to Cars - For Car Enthusiasts@lemmy.world – 11 points –
Wheeler Dealers star Mike Brewer on death threats and how social media ruined his life – Car Dealer Magazine

But why? He's as inoffensive and uncontroversial as a cardboard box.

I agree 100%. I wasn't happy when Edd China left due to format changes but the show still worked for me. As a lover of older vehicles I enjoyed seeing Brewer work with mom and pop shops to get bits for cars that some people would scrap.

edit - Today I went to a scrap yard hoping to score some fog lights for my 99 Subaru Legacy (incredibly rare for my model). Some one already got them but I still picked up some plastic trim pieces.