Mike D.

@Mike D.@lemm.ee
58 Post – 96 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Tech lover, nazi hater.

Forums are alive and well when looking for car info. Whenever I get a different car I look for communities with the most activity and that is usually a forum.

The one exception I can think of (proving the post to be true) is the first generation Tundra (2000-2007). The FB group had more current news than the forums and I managed to get banned (first time ever).

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If the IEEE (electrical engineering society) is saying something it must be really bad. They rarely if ever get involved in things like this.

The US laws prefer large vehicles.

Look into the 25% import tax on small work trucks- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_tax

Also, larger SUVs and trucks get preferential treatment under gas mileage standards. Someone more familiar can explain better.

FYI - my daily is a 24 year old Subaru.

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Reality TV is cheaper to produce than scripted shows. Profit is the reason all they show is reality shows.

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A symbolic boycott is important. They still picked a side in this mess.

I wrote a related reply about lack of small trucks in the US last night on The Autopian.

The large pickup/SUV was not exactly chosen by the people. The 1964 Chicken Tax has limited people’s choices and remains in order to give US domestic automakers an advantage over imported competitors. Combined with CAFE rules (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) of the ’70s small trucks were effectively wiped from the US market.

Why would a US automaker produce a small truck when they could produce a larger truck with more profit?

She acts like she is drunk and/or high.

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Related - https://www.vox.com/2020/1/8/21051869/indoor-air-pollution-student-achievement

There was a leak at a methane storage facility in the LA area. Several schools were provided air filters well after the event (methane is lighter than air). They had the filters for four months even though the methane levels were normal. Test scores increased.

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Where you circumcized after you became sexually active?

If not, how would you know there is no loss?

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The Satanic Temple does not worship Satan so how are they satanists?

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I use FF and the desktop and don't care about the look of the UI. I'm happy FF is fast and doesn't have memory leaks.

Making the mobile experience better will go further with helping Mozilla in general than making the desktop UI look pretty.

They only need to be properly maintained

And there is the issue.

The Titanic lies at a depth of about 12,500 feet (3,800 metres) and there are only a handful of subs currently rated to go there. I'd bet money this new ass-clown is going to treat safety the same way the last one did.

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Perhaps dust and particulates? The SoCal area is very dusty. If you leave your car parked for a few days it will have a fine layer of dust on it.

Imagine breathing that in along with all the other germs normally present in a classroom. Less sickness should allow more learning.

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I've been reading reviews from EU and Australia. The initial quality has improved a lot.

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Seen them in Thailand. Red Bull was originally in small shot format.cam from there, and it was adapted for other markets.


My very first thought was the upside flag is a sign of distress. I don't hang with right wing anarchists or white nationalists. I did a search and found this:

It has been a widely recognized symbol of distress since the nation’s founding, when sailors turned the American flag upside down to signal that their ships were sinking, on fire or trapped in ice.

alternate link

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I believe lemmy.world is to good for it's own good. As one of the largest instances it is under constant attack. This sucks as a user but has lead to many improvements in the code.

I started out there and started a community there. Since then I've moved to a much smaller instance as my main account and contribute monthly. It would be really nice if I could move the community as well.

Union trades. That's where the money is, unfortunately for this conversation few areas have full union coverage.

I've worked in NYC. You can not do much in commercial buildings without union help.

CA's goofy primary system lumps GOP and Dem candidates all together. Top two go to November ballet. Adam Schiff focused his advertising on the GOP guy, totally ignoring Katie Porter and Barbara Lee. Since Adam Schiff had a huge budget this meant LOTS of advertising for the GOP guy. Schiff and GOP guy were top two. GOP has no chance to win in November

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CL is huge in larger metro areas like LA or SF Bay area. I've bought and sold many vehicles plus smaller stuff.

Currently prepping for a nap by finishing my second cup of coffee.

Big hug.

Unfortunately I cannot help directly as I'm a cis male that has lived in NYC, LA, and SF Bay Area the last 25 years.

Even in progressive locations there are establishments that are not. I suggest trying to find places you would be comfortable in. That may be a gym, coffee shop, or bar. Make conversation and get a feel for the place.

There is a local dive bar I frequent that is very LGBTQ friendly. Last night my wife and I talked to a transsexual woman (she shared this info) for almost an hour about what happens to donated body parts. She then took off to her friend's place.

If my car died tomorrow I'd be looking at 30 year old cars. New cars don't excite me much. My commute is 15 minutes and I need something to occasionally haul big stuff for the house. Currently driving a lifted 99 Legacy wagon. Once I catch up with deferred maintenance (about $2k) the car will be perfect for my needs and reliable.

Looking at your list it looks like you want something on the sporty side. Do you ever to haul kids, groceries, etc?

My only comment for your choices is a bout the the Kia. I don't believe they try to do the right thing for their customers. They never took full responsibility for the exploding engines. Now with the "Kia Boys" hack they left customers on their own, again. I was caught up in the engine fiasco but my Kia is higher end so not easy to steal. The streets in my area were littered with stolen/trashed Kias for a while but I think the kids ran through the supply.

I love thunderstorms. No way they are putting me to sleep.

Much respect to these heroes.

Can't you just add a few external USB drives? (heard this more than once at an NGO think tank.)

This scene immediately popped into my head.


A little bit of prepackaged smoked salmon is not exactly a giant splurge.

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Was not aware. Removed

The importance of regular oil changes.

If times are tight most cars will forgive deferred maintenance but oil is not one of them.

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Good bot

Truth. I've worked in one that provided mirrors to remind you to smile.

It will take several years for enough to hit the used parts market that the price drops. Ford will then change the design for... progress.

LOL! Sometimes the avocados are on sale and we get more than we need. So, I decided to try this avocado toast thing everyone was talking about.

It is good stuff!

I have an older model of this one: https://www.bestbuy.com/site/insignia-43-class-n10-series-led-full-hd-tv/6530085.p?skuId=6530085

Added a refurb 2.1 sound bar for better sound.

edit - It was not easy find this. As I wasn't in a hurry at the time I took a while to find an acceptable model. Thinking more about it using eBay's boolean search options may have helped drill down to good choices.

Unfortunately this is the case for TX and federal agents.

Agree 100 percent.

I would strongly recommend wiring the negative directly to the battery. It is the easiest way to avoid ground issues especially with larger loads.

Can not comment on the breakers as I have no experience with them.