What Would Be the Best Bank Heist Car?

Mike D.@lemm.ee to Cars - For Car Enthusiasts@lemmy.world – 8 points –
What Would Be the Best Bank Heist Car?

White or silver V6 Toyota Camry. Your average person wouldnt be able to identify it from a Nissan, Subaru or most family sedans butbits still got enough guts for a little spirited driving to let you put distance on quickly, turn a lot of corners and make establishing your ultimate direction difficult.

You arent trying to outrun or out drive the cops, you need to get a few dozen blocks away in a car nondescript enough that its hard to track or set up a cordon in time, dump the car and switch into something else (Ideally multiple other vehicles) equally nondescript

Can also use decoy vehicles and do that thing they did in the baby driver movie

A good cannonball car would be a good heist car.

That Merc a few years back that was kitted to look like an accord, with a huge fuel cell.

Make the heist, and scram, before they even consider you can be half across the country.

2010 Chevy Impala LTZ. The most popular car in the state of California.

I posted this and forgot to comment. There are a many cars less than 10 years old I cannot identify without badging but I would go for a mid sized SUV. They tend to blend in everywhere. Pick a model with a fast engine, upgrage the wheels/tires a little for better traction, etc.

The Ford Flex AWD would work but may cost more than the actual bank heist haul.