Gene therapies for rare diseases are under threat. Scientists hope to save them. to – 59 points –
Gene therapies for rare diseases are under threat. Scientists hope to save them

"We have the technology, but we’re not going to save your kid because we can’t make any money on you’? Really?”


Yes, really.

We literally have shortages of life-saving medications in the USA right now and the reason is 100% because it's not profitable enough.

The only way to solve this is to nationalize the pharmacy companies. They will never pursue the best for their patients when profits are on the line.

Read about it for yourself:

They absolutely should be nationalized.

We gave them a bunch of money for the COVID vaccine because it was critical for our country, but they'll turn around and jack up the prices when it's time for us to pay.

For profit healthcare is impossible. Fundamentally conflicts with the goals of healthcare. Sooner we realize this and accept the consequences the better.