OpenLdap vs 389ds to – 12 points –

Hey everyone, I asked about LDAP about a week ago and most people told me to use openLDAP. Now as I've read the openSUSE documents, it says to use 389ds, again I ask what's the main difference?



No big practical difference, but the tooling for 389ds is somewhat better. There is for example a cockpit dashboard for it and I think it also integrates better with Keycloak.

But both are really overkill for anything not enterprise and I strongly recommend to use instead

I would love to use lldap but I need to be able to manage physical box logins, sadly lldap does not support this yet.

I read this as LAPD and honestly it didn't think anything of it because America's fucked.

Why would I be talking about the LAPD on a self hosted magazine?