[Daily thread] How are you doing today? 19-10-2023

mod_bot_995@lemmy.world to [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual Conversation@lemmy.world – 13 points –

Got my weekly pilates class tonight which I'm looking forward to. There's this couple that always gets there first and claim the best places with their yoga mats. *determined look* But tonight is going to be the night that I'm finally going to beat them and get there first!
Yes it's a silly thing, but I take it as a personal challenge to disrupt this current status quo.

Edit: They didn't show up! I got there way in advance and they had the audacity not to show up!

Failed to use my alarm clock, got one hour extra sleep and nobody was mad at work. Gonna see my girlfriend later, so iam doing good :)

How is you doing?

To the hospital again, but this time checking in at a different area. I got lost!!! Man, the hospital is so big.

Starting a new job on Monday, mixed feelings about that. Last day at the old one yesterday, didn't drink too much after work but a lot more than normal. Trying to get everything in order before I go out-of-town for a wedding this weekend. General chaos.

Oh, and the new phone I just got won't run the walking app I've been using, which is throwing off my routine and just generally annoying.

I made really amazing braised sausages today. Only 3 ingredients! Quick and easy to cook, and really tasty! =-)

Sounds good! Care to share your recipe? I'm always interested in quick and easy dishes.
God, I'm hungry now.

Sausages in the frypan, heat on high. Then tip a tin of diced tomatoes onto the sausages. This will be the "gravy". Then I chop the sausages into bite size pieces with an egg flip, while they're still cooking and soaking up the tomatoes. When they're nearly cooked, sprinkle some basil through it liberally. Voilà! It tastes so good I didn't even need salt, or anything else. And all I dirtied was the frypan, egg flip, plate and fork.

I'd like to find a community that shared cheap, quick and easy recipes like this. But there doesn't seem to be any.

Thanks for sharing! That sounds delicious, maybe it can go together with some rice and an omelette on the side? I'll keep this in mind when we're having sausages again.

I’d like to find a community that shared cheap, quick and easy recipes like this. But there doesn’t seem to be any.

I guess you could always start a new community of your own? Let me know if you do, will be happy to add my own content (though it's mostly varieties of stir fried rice :)

That sounds delicious, maybe it can go together with some rice and an omelette on the side?

Yeah you can add whatever. I avoided rice because I've been living off rice for quite a long time and I'm getting sick of it haha. I would recommend steamed/boiled veggies as a side dish.

I guess you could always start a new community of your own?

Hmm, I can barely use Lemmy just as a poster. I don't think I'd be up to creating a community.

But I've had a question about rice I've wanted to ask for a long time, but I didn't know who to ask. Maybe you would know: is it possible to make a decent rice dish using a powdered soup mix? I'm often left with rice and soup mix and it's tempting to mix them, but I can't afford to waste food if it's inedible.

I'll never get sick of rice, my kids might start a revolt though :)

Hmmm, what you could try is to make congee(rice porridge) out of both of them? Usually you boil the rice with chicken stock and ginger until the rice becomes mushy. Then you add some meat for the final step and let it boil along. Maybe you could replace the stock with soup powder? It depends on the soup mix though and it's definitely an experiment. But in general congee is very versatile and you don't need a lot of rice for a full meal.

I'll definitely look into congee. Cheers!

Finally feeling strong in my swimming routine, adding more swim styles. Including rescue side stroke swimming for a lap now.

Some friends recommend THC oil for joint pain, so I'm on day two of that. Tastes kinda weedy and burnt.

Also experimenting with backwards walking in my routine to strengthen things up.

Thinking about ordering a new office chair. My current chair is a little "broken", speaking of which my headphones fell apart today, glued them together again

Impressive dedication with swimming in the last few weeks

I'm lucky I have access to a nice pool, doctors recommended swimming, so... Why not? Just trying to develop a new and better lifestyle habit

My BPD mania is killing me. I've had the PTSD/thousand yard stare off and on for at least a couple of days now and already called out sick on Tuesday for an unpaid sick day. I'm in my office watching irrelevant videos and will be binging espresso with hazelnut creamer and water until 3. Oh, and the head music/noise/screaming is loud. I can feel my eyes avoiding things to focus on.

Fuck, that sounds rough. Are there any things that might help? I wish I could be of help, but I feel completely out of my depth with these issues and don't want to give you useless advice. All I can do is wish you the best of luck, and hope things will get better soon.

Oh, and unpaid sick days are ridiculous. It's not like you choose to be sick, any sick day should be a paid one. I know it's not something you get in most countries, but that doesn't make it any less true.