
4 Post – 89 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I was born on my birthday.


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I quite like the (I think?) Jewish curse: "may your laundry never dry". That would suck wearing clothes that are always slightly damp.

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I've been trying out the other fediverse platforms, based on how cool Lemmy is, and they all pale in comparison. It really is a neat little thing we've got going on.

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I thought peas were little unborn animals. Because they had a "cocoon". Refused to eat peas for years.

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I leave food and water out for the local birds, and sit outside under a beautiful big tree, and birds come up, eat the food, have a drink and a bath/splash around, then some of them land on me and we have a chat. I actually get a lot more sense out of those interactions than I do with any human where I am, so it really helps. One little goober gets a crazy look in the eye, then (most of the time) gently bites my finger and half rolls over. So I roll him/her over and tickle the belly. It's hard to stay grumpy when you start your day like that!

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Sadly I think this might be a big part of it. I'm glad I posted because now I have a clearer understanding. Cheers.

My co-workers.

I joined Mastodon when Musk took over Twitter. That didn't really work out. So I stuck to Reddit. Then spez started up with the API nonsense, and I kept seeing stuff about Lemmy. Checked it out, and here I am.

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That sounds absolutely mental in the most wholesome way haha.

I trained most of them to aim their tail feathers away before they do, but yes, sometimes it just gushes out when it gushes out. They're wild birds, it's part of the package. But I do put a towel on my lap, so that makes things easier. Also no scratches on the legs if the birds decide to fight each other on my lap. They do that especially in spring, when the hormones are fluctuating.

I call all of them goobers, so "Mr Goober" is called Derfred. It is the goofiest bird I have ever seen. I suspect it might've hit a window or car or something at some stage and stayed a bit silly. Derfred even bites and climbs on other birds, just playing. But the other birds aren't always prepared to put up with it haha. Poor thing. But Derfred is healthy and happy.

Here are names I've given to some of the other birds:

  • Signore Salieri (has an unusually large beak and high "hair line")

  • Mr Faith No More (actually a girl, but looks a lot like Mike Patton. Sounds dumb but I swear it's true).

  • Mr Roy (has a rainbow-ish pattern on the head. Full name is Roy G. Biv).

  • Cleopatra (a lady bird who gets a lot of attention from the boys, and takes no prisoners. She's always very nice to me, though)

  • Mr Blackbottom (he has a large black patch on his lower beak - completely harmless. Beaks are black as juveniles, then the black gradually fades as they get older).

  • The Scream (a girl bird who enjoys landing on my arm, staring me square in the eye, flapping her wings and screeching at me. No other reason than to chat/play. Weirdo).

  • John Deere (when I sing or talk, this goober stares at me like a deer in the headlights. As if I am threatening it. It knows full well I'm not threatening it, just a bit of a drama queen).

There are more but I can't remember them right now.

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I spent a month getting an instance set up on .world, wearing my account in, putting up with the lag and other constant problems... then I read about this threads™ nonsense and how .world were playing a "wait and see" game with an evil empire. Read this thread (heh!), moved to .ml. Much smoother and more glitch-free experience. Just have to start over again. So far so good!

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As in, hook up with the person? Haha no that didn't happen. I thought the same as you, probably for the best.

If the other person is arguing in good faith, I'll listen and exchange views until that becomes pointless. If the other person is loaded with an opinion and won't listen to anything different, I basically shut down and leave them hanging.

Are you really the head of the Kwik-E-Mart?

According to my ex-, her.

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I get what you mean. But I just spread my net wider. Give more communities a chance, and unsubscribe from the ones that aren't what I'm looking for. It's frustrating, but it will improve. And it's better than dealing with reddit.

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That makes sense. There was a brief period that we actually got along, joked around etc. That was cool. Then it went back to the grinding awkwardness.

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I just made a surprisingly tasty mango rice dish. I'm a pretty ordinary cook so I'm very happy with the result!

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I can't imagine that being my default. It was infuriating enough just once!

I believe a demented aunt might have been involved with mine too.

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Spitz means a lot of things. That's why I chose it. 😉

I'm not an overly horny person. If I was, I wouldn't have been disturbed enough to make this post.

Very much like that, yes. But unwillingly. :-(

I know you jest, but the more you think about it, the nastier a curse it is. For example, your crack would always be itchy. You'd never be able to put your clothes away because mold would devour them. And so on.

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Well, that doesn't work for sexual consent, and I guess it would be similar regarding this issue. Informed consent requires the person to be of such an age that their consent is valid. I'm no expert, that was just my initial thought.

I've had a long period of writer's block, regarding songwriting. So I decided to invent a language, with a backstory of the peoples who spoke it. It's a real challenge but exciting to see a language form right in front of you! And since I've been focusing so hard on the language, I've been writing some really fresh sounding music, and enjoying the songwriting process again. I guess I just needed to stop fussing over the music so much.

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We are indeed a bizarre species.

The thing that helped me was "let go or be dragged".

Death will happen whether I stress out about it or not. Stressing about it just contaminates the time you have. So I gradually learned to focus more on the "isn't existence weird?!" than "death is coming". And when you really get into the swing of it, your limited time becomes timeless.

"Don't believe online quote attributions" - Albert Einstein.

Actually, one of my exes really liked a song called Fuck Me Like You Hate Me. She was also quite hatable. It added some spice in the bedroom, but a high price was paid. I'm not really interested in revisiting that...

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I missed out. Damn.

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Soup always makes me feel better. Doesn't have to be anything fancy, just something hot and healthy and tasty. And a piece of bread to mop up afterwards.

I've been keeping too close an eye on the various wars happening at the moment, and it's bringing me down. I think it's important to understand what's happening, why it's happening etc, but there's a limit to how much you can take in and stay sane. I've been trying to find other things to focus on, but it's hard to say "oh all these dead children are upsetting me, I'll just not allow it to bother me while I live my life of relative privilege". Having said that, my problem is a lot better than those of Gazans at the moment. But does that mean I can't get worn out and depressed from following these events? It's just horrible for everyone, no matter how you dice it.

What do you have in mind?

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Your post prompted me to have a look at Tildes. It looks alright, but a bit... dry.

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Haha you can have her. Good luck!

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It's a tie for me.

  1. A place where they served only the bun and meat, and you got to serve yourself your own salad and sauces. I made some absurdly tall burgers. The taste was phenomenal too. Very handy place when I was a student with very little money.

  2. Playing a gig in a small town. Saw a burger called The Carnivore. Was assured it was worth the cost, so I bought one. This thing had mince patty, bacon, sausage, steak, chop (pork or lamb, can't remember which), then cheese, onion, lettuce, tomato, egg... and I'm probably still forgetting something it had. It was monstrous. It took me almost an hour to eat it, and I enjoyed every minute.

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My brain is melted from working on the patois I'm making. It's coming along nicely, but it's amazingly hard to make it all fit together.

I bought some tiny sparkly metal stars to keep the pigeons out of my garden. They trample in the garden every day and damage plants. I know they don't mean to, but I'd like them to stop. I read that sparkly things will keep the pigeons away, because the sunlight hits the bits of metal and confuses/annoys the pigeons enough that they stay away. I'll try it tomorrow. If that doesn't work, I'll try spraying cayenne pepper around the garden (apparently that works too).

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I made really amazing braised sausages today. Only 3 ingredients! Quick and easy to cook, and really tasty! =-)

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She's not even good looking, though. I mean she's not repulsively hideous to look at, certainly not beautiful.