The Yngwie Malmsteen Interview : Rick Beato to – 20 points –
The Yngwie Malmsteen Interview

This was a pretty solid interview, and a rare instance where Yngwie doesn’t come across as a jerk. Yes, Beato avoided pressing the common buttons, but it was interesting to see Yngwie in an environment where he seems to like the person asking him questions.

Beato is a genuinely great musician interviewer. The guy knows what the fuck he's talking about, which probably helps interviewees feel like they're just sitting in their living room nerding out with a fellow artist rather than being drilled with questions they don't care about.

Not offering Yngwie any donuts prolly helps, too.

Word. Yngwie is one of those musicians you just accept that they're a dick because the music is so good. But he was even endearing in this. And I guess that does (as you pointed out) show what level of skill is involved with Beato. Reading the interviewee and knowing what not to ask, but also knowing when to press the good buttons to draw more out. Pretty impressive to watch.