App for creating drawings and blueprints to – 30 points –

Is there an application for building/drawing stuff. I know blender exists, but its a little overcomplicated for what I'm thinking of.

Also where can I post such questions, regarding software? If this isn't the right place, tell me where I can post it.


Tell us more about what you're thinking of building/drawing. I like FreeCAD, but it's also quite complicated, depending on what your goals are.

you mean like the various CAD software that exists?

what tool to use can depend on what you are drawing.

SketchUp works online.

LibreCAD works but I think it's 2D only.

LibreCAD is 2D only but great for making quick drawings.

I use FreeCad as an alternative to Solidworks. It has its own way of doing things... but it's more or less feature complete with respect to designing stuff.

openscad and onshape are some options. openscad is like coding and onshape is closer to typical 3D modeling interfaces.

FreeCAD. It'll do everything, but you have to put some time into understanding it. Fortunately, there's are plenty of YouTube videos when you do get stuck.

Krita is my favorite drawing tool, don't know if that helps, but I like it

FreeCAD is good, but maybe more complicated than you're looking for.

You might want to try / . It can be used in the browser or as a standalone application

You may be surprised. Blender + plugin.

If you have an iPad and a little money to spend, Shapr3D is an excellent CAD app