Courtroom scuffle erupts after Capitol rioter resists detention order to – 83 points –

U.S. Marshals and FBI agents had to forcibly detain 34-year-old Vitali Gossjankowski after he refused to surrender in court.


I know its superficial but Vitali Gossjankowski doesn't exactly sound like the White American name you'd expect from one of these "patriots"

He looks like one of those alt-right incel people. I don't think he's realized it yet, but his privilege card just got revoked. Also, let's see:

Sent harassing and threatening messages to a DC Police detective assigned to the FBI task force that worked on Gossjankowski's case, including antisemitic, homophobic and racist epithets and suggested the officer should be violently sexually assaulted

Instagram posts referring to FBI agents and law enforcement in antisemitic and homophobic terms and called them "animalistic subhumans." The posts also contained the names, email addresses and phone numbers of prosecutors, law enforcement and even court staff involved in the case. At least one post urged Gossjankowski's followers to "inundate" Valentini's inbox with messages.

Defense lawyers argued that the defendant was just venting ....

Frankly, I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often.

I think it doesn't because most recognize they'll likely get more time added onto their sentences.

They're completely remorseful and teary-eyed in court until they get out then they're the same old maga-morons

It happens once a week in criminal court. Not necessarily to this extent. Every day there is a moment where the marshals and cops all lean in toward the defendant because it feels like it's about to jump off. Marshals seem to be out recovering from bite wounds more than any other profession I'm aware of.

Watch him get a slap in the wrist despite this

For trying to topple our democracy I think they're all getting a slap on the wrist.

I think that's the point. Gotta send the message that it's a low-risk activity, or you won't get more.

The corrupt judge should've accepted his authority!! No worries, the tribunals are coming 🔥💥😎

... wut?

Looks like they’re making a Qanon joke. People sucked into that conspiracy think that the “good guys” (Trump and his ilk) are waging a secret war with the evil “deep state” for control of America. Once the “good guys” gain the upper hand and take control of the government they believe that there will be military tribunals not unlike Nuremberg after WW2 where the “evil deep state pedophiles” will be sentenced to death for their crimes.

It’s extremely unhinged; the people that believe it are dangerous to our democracy and those around them because they can and will justify any action as necessary to fight the “deep state”.

Ahhh... ok that makes sense (in a nonsensical way). I hadn't heard of the tribunals because I prefer to surround myself with reality. Thnx for explaining.

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