TIL a standing desk allows for spontaneous dance

Elise@beehaw.org to Chat@beehaw.org – 43 points –

This was what sold me on standing desks too! Taking a dance break halfway through writing a Very Professional Email almost makes it pleasant.

I knew I should have done it earlier for health reasons, but wasn't looking forward to it. Now I have one and I never realized how nice it would be. It gives this freedom feeling a chair doesn't, and you feel more active overal.

I should add that a physiotherapist told me that always standing or sitting is bad and you should switch it up at least once during the day. Our bodies didn't evolve to keep one pose for a long time.

Have you played Crypt of the Necrodancer? The soundtrack is optimal for this.

A friend of mine has and it sounded really good. Should I make a new post?

If you find it convenient, sure! If it's just an addition, an edit may work.

By the way, just wanted to share that Disco Descent in particular fills me with determination.