
33 Post – 913 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Developmental informatics hacker

They'll live happily ever after in their TikTok houses.

One time I nearly cut a job due to being asked to make something gambling related, but when I worked on an addictive mobile game I simply didn't realize what I was doing. Honestly, I couldn't have known unless I had asked about their monetization strategy before they brought new people on to implement it. And at that point the game was as good as done. I remember walking through Barcelona and seeing all these kids on their phones in the park and not playing or having fun, it felt surreal. I bawled my eyes out and didn't return to the job. You know I genuinely just wanted to give people some fun in this world.

The issue with mobile games is that nobody is prepared to pay even 5 euros for a game. So for mobile game developers it is business as usual to do it this way.

Could you elaborate?

You can solve this one with redneck math. You simply flip the numbers in 7+6 upside down, which looks like 4+9, which is clearly 13.

Do you use a domain name? I put one up and just constantly get spammed from Panama by lamers

Do you use a pihole or sum or block unwanted requests too?

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Do you put effort into your commit messages before the rewrite, or just write something quick for yourself and then put in the effort later?


I am speaking from a German perspective, I'm not informed on how it works within your context.

But I imagine you must have something along those lines too. Obviously there are disabled people, and if those receive benefits, then what is halfway between that and not being disabled? Or is it black and white?

And it isn't just about finances. It is also about housing and work. For example there is special housing built for people who need to live in an accessible place, say on the ground floor in the city. And larger companies are motivated to hire disabled people. I'm not sure how, perhaps through tax breaks or perhaps they are even legally obligated to have n posts for disabled people.

If your system does not provide for your needs, you might consider moving. Didn't you say you are a coder or something? That's an easy green card.

Honey I thought you'd never ask, here's my two bits in lay terms:

If I'd have to give one quick answer it would be memory latency. The fact is that memory and computational power have grown immensely over the years, but the time it takes to retrieve a bunch of data from the memory hasn't really improved at the same rate. Some quick math shows that the speed of light must be an issue. The solution to that is to create smaller devices, such as the SOCs (system on a chip) that we are starting to see the past few years.

In less technical words: The postal service is darn slow. Only a few days ago you figured out you needed something small to continue your work, and since then you've been waiting and idling. The roads are fantastic, it's just that there's a speed limit. The solution is to take all the villages and condense them into a city, shortening the distances.

There's a lot more to it than that, and that's just one of the issues on only a hardware level and only one of the solutions.

Many game companies specifically target vulnerable people, who end up spending their entire pay check every month, and are called Whales.

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That's all good but why does it sound like you're punishing yourself by taking a pay cut and working 16 hour days? Can't you get on disability? You can for example be 20% disabled or 40%. This will allow you to work normal hours, have a normal income and extra rights and benefits. You might want to call your municipality and ask what's possible and get informed.

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Properly sized carton box, "Aww hell yeah!"

You're a non-monetizer, just like 95% of the players. The game will make you some form of offer in order to convert you into a paying minnow, dolphin or whale. Whales are rare, less than a percent of the players, but they generate a significant amount of the revenue.

Companies compare their conversion rate with each other and have specific goals to meet. 5% for example is good. If your company has say 3%, you'll want to focus on improving that. Each product will have a specific goal here, and otherwise is shut down because there's a customer acquisition cost. Games easily cost more to market than to develop.

A lot of effort is spent on the first offer. This is where you'll see a screen that makes an amazing offer you'll seriously consider. It'll have something that is high value but incredibly cheap and so temporary. This isn't to earn money, it's simply to convert you. Because after you've spent your first dollar you're likely to keep spending.

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It's good that you managed to wake up and take care of yourself. Players with that pattern are called dolphins.

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Yeah not the best design

There's worse things to be called I suppose

That's a great link. There's just so many people exactly like him.

Dude wtf this is Lemmy not Reddit can we just keep it friendly?


I can recommend norsemen. It's a series, though.

It might be funny to hear but I am specialized in vr. Well, I could criticize it in many ways. In the case of this picture, it's comparable to people being excited about GMO, but being against it because of how capitalism manages to fuck it up.

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Huh what

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Wasn't it Sony that released an album that'd root your system? Bunch of criminals if you ask me.

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My mind was blown when I found this little plastic ball in a sports store which you can put between your back and a wall and you can massage yourself. It works wonders within even seconds of using it. It's only a few euro and I used to waste hundreds of euro on massages. And you can take it anywhere because it's small and light.

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Slightly unrelated but it kind of reminds me of a guest room I used to have.

I had this tiny but amazing little room in the center of an expensive city. Walking distance from station. Large balcony. Large windows with sun. Blackout curtains. Silent. Pretty wooden desk. Ample storage space. Mirror. Shiny clean. Lots of features, basically!

Couchsurfers were always so deeply thankful and I've never had any real issues. It was fun and rewarding.

Airbnbers? Oh my god there were some entitled guests. And it was just eur 25 a night! There's even emotional labor involved because you have to take it with a smile or you might end up receiving a bad review and drop out of the search.

I can't for a second imagine a surfer acting that way. Just like this article says it's like they assume there's this capitalist alienated relationship going on, whereas actually it's simply a gift.

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Thanks for not using google.

You'll receive a letter to remind you.

I wish there was a more standardized open format for documents. And more people and software should use markdown/.md because you just don't need anything fancier for most types of documents.

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I feel out of the loop here. What's so secretive about a photo of a newborn?

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That's the genius part: It doesn't matter whether I think if someone is welcome or not. Everyone can run their own instance, with the software they prefer, and connect it up to whatever other instances they prefer. In that sense it is more democratic than the closed garden platforms.

It'll take time before these things become more accessible to technically inept people.

As far as I understand it men are part of fourth wave feminism, so seeing this feels conflicting to me. If you believe men are having a hard time, then feminism is right up your alley, isn't it?

So I just wonder if this survey even makes sense because how can you answer a question you don't understand?

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You could say MtF but I am not comfortable with that label. I prefer AMAB. Because I was always a woman but assigned male at birth.

Beehaw cuz I heard they had strong moderation and don't shy away from defederation. Also bees.

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I've made some apps in my life and one time I made something for myself and simply skipped apple because it isn't worth the headache.

For starters you'll need an OSX VM, then pay 100 eur a year for a dev account, and then manage those god awful provisioning profiles.

Finally, side loading wasn't possible back then and their store is a black box and follows strange arbitrary American centric rules.

Edit: Also I should add that in order to get my hands on an OSX iso ten years ago I had to find someone with an apple computer to be able to purchase the OS with my account. And apparently this is a legal gray zone.

These days it's a bit easier because you can use a cloud build provider and just stuff the provisioning profiles in there, for example if you use Unity3d.

Have you tried FOSS? I use it for everything and pirating software is likely going to infect your computer.

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Wtf that's nuts and sounds like it breaks several laws, like harassment and disturbing the peace or sum. I'd definitely have a stern word with them.

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I think it's simply an ongoing thought process. Just like the threads debate. Personally I think these are today's questions to shape future society. Asking it over and over is just an impulse to try and resolve it.