Heyyy sisters, how ya'll doing?

Elise@beehaw.org to Transfem@lemmy.blahaj.zone – 45 points –

Feel free to let it all out!


I made the mistake of visiting the transfem fashion subreddit, and saw page after page super cute girls in pretty dresses, with flat tummies, and perfect makeup, and no awful body hair like mine. So Iā€™m kinda struggling today.

Ugh. Been there, had to unsub from transtimelines and other subreddits (before I stopped using reddit) for this exact reason. I hope the rest of your day is much better :(

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Damn mirror is faulty, still shows a beard every morning. Gotta put a complaint in, this is not the replacement I ordered.

That being said though, I'm feeling pretty good. I came out to most of my family and close friends, and so far they've all been supportive, which is the absolute best thing I've ever ended a year on.

Nonetheless, this next year is pretty daunting already, with all I want to do with it. But that's a problem for tomorrow :D

Have you picked a new name yet, or how's that going, or is it gonna be miss Brainfart? šŸŒˆ šŸŒˆ šŸŒˆ šŸŒˆ šŸŒˆ šŸŒˆ šŸŒˆ

Brainfart is certainly what describes me as a person best

Hey Brainfart, so why don't you get your facial hair lasered?

I couldn't stand mine either. Like one of those things you have to do twice a day and just pretend you don't exist and force yourself through it.

Because it's an expense I simply can't afford atm. I need to go to a therapist, get an official indication for my transgender identity, and then I can ask my health insurance to pay for it.

Make sure you go to the right therapist, a lot of people are not up to snuff on this stuff, and that can really fuck you up. What worked for me was to call the insurance and they provided a list. I know them feels sis!

There's two websites I found where queer people can reccommend medical professionals they went to, so that's what I'm using to find one

Because honestly, my insurance has proven to be incompetent on a few accounts already

Ah sorry to hear that. I'm also quite poor and yet spending a ton on health insurance just to be able to get a half decent coverage. But it's great you found a solution there.

So it's too expensive to visit one or is it an emotional thing?

Therapy should be covered, but hair removal is not. Only when a therapist officially states I'm transgender, insurance can pay for it. And even then they might try not to, but I also found a resource telling us what to do when that's the case.

I'm stoked to get the ball rolling, in any case :D

Ya it's the same in the Netherlands. Really pisses me off to no end. I know people have different opinions about it but to me it's nothing but plain discrimination.

There's the obvious argument that if there aren't any hurdles for hair removal to be covered, anyone can freely do it. Which means the insurance would just jack up prices for everyone.

They always like finding new excuses to do that, and that would be a great one for them.

But on the bright side, Germany has passed a new law that will make it much easier and nicer to change your legal name and gender. So I got that going for me, at least.

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It's the new year here and I was celebrating it with my friends so it was a good night. šŸ˜Š

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I was hosptitalized for severe suicidal thoughts late December due to my ex partner making me relive some childhood trauma. Now they rejected me again for new years celebration. At least with the year starting at its absolut worst, it can only get better right?

this is heartbreaking to hear; you shouldn't have to go through this. stay safe! each day is progress, it will get better <3

It's one of those things where it's good to really face it and to make a clear decision because it makes life easier if you know. It's said that the decision to live or die is the most fundamental philosophical question.

And ya it's definitely gonna get better! It's just a temporary thing and it doesn't define you.

Yeah, I working things out, my perspective on whats to come is pretty amazing compared to what shitshow I'm currently in, coming out to myself really helped and gave me my will to live back. It's been really rough but I really think that I hit rock bottom already and I'm alredy getting out of my pit.

Reassurance is very helpful, thank you

Perhaps twenty years from now you'll be in a garden drinking wine with someone you love, talking about what happened today.

Wow, that sounds really nice, somethimg worth working for

Girl I'm an expert at getting my ass out of bed. And people are falling in love with me left and right! It's the Chanel baby.

Well I just got some new nail polish and painted my nails with trans pride colors and that was fun. I also tried some ghost pepper hot sauce today and that was less fun.

Can you do mine too? Keep the ghost pepper sauce to yourself though!

So let me add that I'm chilling in bed and had to sacrifice a party for my rest, after finally having moved. Due to my situation I was forced to live in my office for a couple of months. Someone saved me and now I've taken over her apartment. Had to plan and execute the move within a week, and during vacation time. But everyone wanted to help, and so it was the easiest move I ever did. Now I'm enjoying laying in my new bed and dreaming again.

It's going well! I am gonna do a fun new years party with all my friends I'm out with, and I'm super excited. Feeling pretty good about where life is right now, and I have a good feeling about my continuing transition over the year to come. Hope your New Year's is great, as well!

Here are your rainbows mam and a complimentary heart

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It's going ok. I keep talking myself into stalling next steps in my transition, specifically surgeries. Since I'm looking for another job, why bother even getting the process started right? Except I've been looking for another job in my field for the last year lol.

Otherwise ok. I'm excited to someday hopefully get eh surgeries I want to make me feel complete.

Happy new year! <3

Oh them processes. If only it were a button press away.

Its been good but its been better. Im trying to reach a stable point with my home environment, and I'm getting really close. I probably have the same goals as many others in this thread and I dotn even wanna talk about it lest I jinx it, which I guess is what happened last year around this same date, I don't really know.