15 Post – 72 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Art in my heart, but mischief on the mind.

  • Videographer
  • Cat lover
  • Horror enthusiast

I occasionally make absurdist comedy videos on Salutation Nation

It's been making me smile all day ☺️ Thank you!

Those glasses go perfectly with your lipstick shade! They both suit you so well 🙌

I think they are just showing another example of steaming services being shitty, and using it to advocate for piracy

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Is that so? I am researching, but I am not having much success finding indecency from Larian Studios. What have they done?

Regardless, $80 for a game is just way too much. High seas is a good option

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Ah yeah, that's a good one! I do think it's best to be honest like that, even if I might be omitting some info. In my case, my mom was good with ny answer of "I started using conditioner every day and shampooing less often," which is also true haha

If you have darker hair and lighter skin, IPL devices are fantastic for getting some permanent hair reduction relatively quickly! I use a Braun Silk Pro 5, and it stings like the snap of a rubber band, but everywhere from my neck down just grows WAY less hair than it used to now.

I used to epilate and still do for certain spots like my hands, but that pain is pretty rough. It's hard to beat the smooth results of epilating your legs though, that was fantastic.

I haven't been on HRT long enough to experience any changes in hair growth from that, sadly

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Thank you! It is actually not too bad. I am out to all of my friends and those are the family you choose. I'm fortunate to have a pool of people who support me, so I do not mind not telling my great grandma haha. I feel like that is a truth she is just not ready for

Thank you!!

Yes! I've got a few I can share:

This is the puppy dog eyeliner tutorial I followed. I didn't use white eyeliner on the lower lid cause I don't have any rn, but it was still super helpful!

Here's a like tips and tricks video from Nikkie la Rose I learned a lot from, too! Her videos are great

And here's a makeup tutorial for trans women that was basically my guiding light for starting my makeup journey

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This is true. I remember one product called Femboy Tummy Pills that was just poison. I just had my HRT checkup, and I forgot to ask about prog so I am impatient lol. Might be best just to wait, thanks!

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LMAO, yeah my brain would be toast. I'd hope my discord friends would tell me to stop, rather than congratulating me haha. Ecstasy is nice like, once every several months!

Thank you! This is actually feedback I get fairly often, so it's probably a good idea haha. I am always kind of afraid of doing my hair differently for fear that it'll look awful, but there's really no risk to giving it a go! I will blow dry my hair upside down today and see how that ends up lookin'

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Thank you! Aw, that's a really cool moment with your friend. Both coming out to each other, at the same time!

God I hope she didn't think that lol. She is the long time girlfriend of one of my best friends, who was also at the faire. The next day she remembered the conversation, but not the freezing. I feel like the substances we were on were a major factor in how it played out, everybody was pretty deep in it by that point haha

That is very suspicious, I would not have noticed if you didn't point it out

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Woohoo! Congratulations, that's so exciting! Glad your wait is nearly over 🤘

You might try an a-line dress! I got one on amazon for very cheap and it was the first thing that ever fit me in a way I was really happy with. They have measurement charts and as long as you are around the right numbers I think you'd find success.

Thank you very much!

Oh joy lmao. I suppose it's true what they say. No pain, no gain!

You're a really cool person, Kayday. I'm glad you have such an open and caring relationship with your wife. Wishing you the best, I'm sure your talk will go great!

This made me laugh aloud lmao

It has been a long time since I installed the M0nkrus CC programs, but I remember getting startup errors like this when I lacked the visual c++ prerequisites for premiere, etc. When installing purchased adobe software, it installs all the VC++ libraries it needs, but the M0nkrus installers do not. Might want to check which ones you have, and install the ones that are missing

Frequently on jerboa, I have to tap subscribe twice. The first tap just gets ignored. Not sure why.

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It looks like she still posts! I saw recent tweets on her account, though I loathe to visit twitter

I believe that you have steadier hormone levels when you take pills twice a day, vs weekly injections. I don't think that makes a big difference practically. I only have experience with pills because I also hate needles haha

Thank you so much!

It's going well! I am gonna do a fun new years party with all my friends I'm out with, and I'm super excited. Feeling pretty good about where life is right now, and I have a good feeling about my continuing transition over the year to come. Hope your New Year's is great, as well!

I had this building feeling that it was something I wanted for myself, and it was growing for a long time as I came to understand more about my identity. I was also deeply afraid though, so I totally get what you mean. I thought that I'd have to commit all the way from the get-go, and that sudden physical changes would mess up my life.

I talked with a transgender friend of mine, and he reassured me that it was ok not to know my destination, and I could just start E on a low dose, go slow, and see how I feel. It's a lot less frightening when you know you can change your mind whenever.

I just ended up finding that the longer I was on it, the more like "myself" I felt, and that point where I changed my mind never came. It is so much easier to get started on something big like transitioning if you take it a tiny bit at a time and check with yourself to see if you're still on the right path for you.

Thank you! It is definitely scary for me, and the world is not in a very accepting place for trans people, but I feel like this is the right direction. I hope you end up living in whatever way makes you most happy!


You look amazing! I am hoping to be able to post a timeline like this myself, some day

I'm not the person you asked, but I started HRT very recently so I think I am in a good place to gauge my mental changes. Honestly for me personally, I do not think hormone therapy affected my mood much. I feel great, but I think that feeling has come from finally starting changes in my life that I have long awaited. Other than that, I feel like it is easier for me to cry, which I like, and I just feel very much myself. I've heard other people say that they felt great immediately after starting HRT, so I suppose results may vary.

People don't like TPB because it is infamous for being packed with malware and sketchy uploads. I assume people were downvoting because there are a lot of safer and more reliable options for epub sourcing

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Here is the video I use for instructions! Using your hands as the guide to find the right spot is very useful.

Also the appropriate needle length will vary from individual to individual, but IM uses needles 1/2" and longer, 1" being a pretty length size I feel. You just insert the needle until it is entirely in. Good luck! It's very chill once you have the hang of it

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Thank you!

I just gave that one a look! It seems like it would be great, I'd love to not actually have to do the poking myself lol. Where did you buy it? Haven't found a source online yet

That is super helpful, thank you! Yeah I think I will want to follow this guide for the first few times. I know it is not as scary as I think it is, but I really wanna make sure I don't screw anything up!

I realize now that this is a memes community and this is not a meme per se lol. Apologies!

Thank you so much!

Whoa nice! Congratulations!!

Wow, this REALLY sucks lol. "Doing harm to your healthy body and hormones," weird that I am feeling the opposite of harmed, actually. Thankful I do not share the same definition of God as these guys

Glad things are going so well for you! Having that talk with people close to you has been difficult for me, it's good to hear you went through it and it worked out well!

Life is good for me, lately! I am still very early in my transition, but I have spoken to a few of my friends about it and they were all very supportive, and don't treat me any differently at all, which I was worried about. I am pretty pleased with how everything is going!