Parents asked me what I'm doing to look so good to – 107 points –

Visited my mom and dad for thanksgiving, and one of the first things my mom said to me was "Wow! Your hair and skin look great. What are you doing differently?"

I am not yet ready for the awkward conversation that coming out will entail, so I had to restrain myself from saying "yeah I just inject e once a week" lol.

I'm only about four months in, but people seem to be noticing positive differences in me. Pretty cool!


Ok, an excuse I haven't used yet, but been keeping in my back pocket is this,

"I recently go on this new medication for (anxiety in my case) and it helped a lot and since I (was less anxious) I had more mental bandwidth to consider different things and was better able to pay attention to different parts of my health a wasn't able to before"

Obviously not this verbatim, but this idea in some form. Because to some extent it is true in my case.

Ah yeah, that's a good one! I do think it's best to be honest like that, even if I might be omitting some info. In my case, my mom was good with ny answer of "I started using conditioner every day and shampooing less often," which is also true haha

That is pretty well what I was thinking. This is part of the reason, but there's a support for these things I'm not explicitly mentioning.

Also, 8j my case the reason definitely contributed to the idea I may not necessarily want to bring up yet that led to the obvious results.

I’ve been carded more this couple months then the ten years prior, and in that ten years there wasn’t a day I didn’t buy smokes or booze, and I’ve cut that stuff out.


Just reminded me I should probably handle my name change and license here soon to avoid some of the hassles.

"ah you know mom, just exfoliating, moisturizing every day, staying hydrated~"

Basically what any woman says when asked how they look so good lmao.

It took me a lot more than 4months to get these reactions, sounds like you're making good progress. Whenever you feel bad or get dysphoric, just remember others are already noticing the feminizing changes :) Sometimes we are the last to notice.

Sorry, not trans, so I don't understand. Taking e changed your hair and skin?

Women generally have softer, smoother skin than men, and produce less skin oils. Oily skin can cause hair to look greasy and unkempt. This effect is caused by hormone receptors in the skin that also control things like body hair growth and pheromones in puberty.

Main thing is estrogen dominant bodies have thinner skin (literally) so it looks more translucent, smoother, and feels softer to the touch. Bad side of that is the spider veins...