The Chest Pain™ has begun to – 45 points –

I am more than a month into HRT, and I have been seeing some small changes over the month but not experiencing that ache people talk about at all. I was hoping that perhaps I would be immune and it would never start, but nope lol.

Seems like it is here to stay!


Beware of doors, car doors, door frames, etc. Your newfound nips will find them and hurt you 😄

mine have been tender since around the 2nd or 3rd week 😭 I'm coming up on a month now and they have little like balls under them which kinda skeeves me out 🤣

congrats on bewb growth im sure it's bringing so much joy (even if also pain lol!!!)

I'm 10 months in and still don't have much chest pain, only a little soreness. I also don't have much chest growth though. Hoping it starts up sometime in the next few years.

Interesting! I guess it is different for everybody. I hope you see the changes you're after before long! I only have extremely minute change happening right now, but the pain is definitely here haha